Thursday, 19 November 2009

Selling Digital Products Online Can Make Your Rich!

When thinking about starting an online business, the first thing you need to consider is what type of products you will offer through your online store.
Your options are many because online you can offer just about anything you want: physical products, informational products, digital products, wholesale retail products, and other products and even services are all possibilities.

Deciding what and which type of products to sell on your website often sidelines most entrepreneurs before they ever get started. But it really doesn't have to be so hard because the choice is easy if you really think about it. The best types of products to sell on your website are digital products.

There are a number of reasons for this: They offer the highest margin of any product, you'll have no inventory to carry, and they are inexpensive and easy to produce.

They also enable you to solve a customer's number one desire - instant gratification.

'We want it, and we want it now' is the mantra of today's consumer. And by choosing to sell digital products, you immediately set yourself apart in the consumer's eyes because they know that when they need the type of product you sell, they can get it immediately.

So let's look at the three different types of digital products that should consider. The first is software.

Plain and simple, software delivered to the customer via download is the future. Companies like Microsoft are spending billions to condition the consumer so buying software and receiving it digitally is the new paradigm, as opposed to installing it from a CD.

The other advantage of selling software online as a digital product is that typically people are buying software to solve immediate need and/or problem. Antivirus software or other PC utilities software is a good example of this.

By offering software that can automate a task, fix a problem or make someone's life easier, it is better to offer it via download because the consumer can click, pay, download, and start to use the software immediately rather than having to drive computer or office supply store.

Another type of digital product to consider, and one that is hugely popular is music downloads.

Music downloads are very popular because they are cheaper than buying the CD at the store, and the buyer can sample various music much more quickly than wearing a pair of demo headphones the music store.

But the biggest reason for the popularity of downloading music online is that the consumer has the ability to purchase only one song, rather than buying an entire album to get that one song that they like. Of course the MP3 player and the iPod fueled his popularity and portable digital music has become a important part of consumers daily life.

The third type of digital product you can offer, and the best in terms of profitability are informational products like e-books and reports.

The cost to produce of most e-books and reports is zero if you write the information product yourself and as little as the few hundred dollars if you outsourced to a third party.

The reason the digital information products are often considered the best product to consider when selling online is that they fulfill the most important needs of both the business owner and the consumer.

Digital Products are:

• Easy and inexpensive to create inexpensive to create - Advantage business owner.

• Offers a much higher margin of profit - Advantage is its owner.

• Buyer pays less for the idem than they would in a physical store - Advantage consumer.

• Cost nothing to ship and deliver - Advantage business owner and consumer.

• Instantly gives the customer what they want - Advantage consumer.

Also selling digital products online typically involves less customer service and therefore lower operating costs for the merchant.

Additionally, offering digital products online also means that the business can automate its operations to a much higher degree thereby giving the business owner more free time to develop other products or interests.

At the number one advantage to selling digital products online is that almost every dime made from the e-books for example, is pure profit for the online business owner.

By now you can see that digital products are by far more logical and profitable choice than selling physical products.

In short, with the absence of printing, publishing, producing, packaging, and shipping costs, online business owners enjoy lower overhead and higher profits while consumers enjoy lower costs and instant gratification.

This win-win situation will provide you with a multitude of profits for your online business.

Don Schnure is the president and founder of Cyber Samurai Marketing Inc, a leading provider of online business and digital delivery software.htm

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